Evolution of Excellence: My Journey Through Projects.

Preview of problem-solving

Explore curated solutions to LeetCode, Codeforces & more. Clean, organized code for sharpe...

Preview of next-wave

"NextWave" combines the idea of Next.js and the notion of riding a "wave" of best practice...

Preview of rest-with-best-practices

Laravel REST API with the best practices.

Preview of next-rest-prisma-zod-zustand

Merging all the best practices of Next REST API and make state management simpler with zus...

Preview of express-starter-kit

Boilerplate of Express with Typescript and Sequelize

Preview of advanced-js

The "advanced-js" npm package empowers developers with a collection of sophisticated tools...

Preview of shared-configs

Welcome to the Enhanced Frontend Development Configuration repository! This repository ser...

Preview of tesla-clone

Homepage clone of Tesla official website.